Initiative by Muslim Women's Network UK
Purpose of MHM

To celebrate and raise awareness about the significant contributions and cultural richness of Muslims in Britain, with the goal of challenging negative stereotypes, fostering improved understanding, and cultivating greater empathy and inclusion towards Muslim communities within the broader society.

Your ideas can be big or small. They could be something you would consider doing personally or would like to see others do. We can add these to our toolkit to help inspire others.

Our Supporters

We express gratitude to our initial supporters for playing a crucial role in helping to get Muslim Heritage Month started. We thank The Tudor Trust for funding towards the website and we thanks The Coutts Foundation towards staff costs for outreach. We also thank The Aziz Foundation for the 3 month internship time towards research for website. As this is mostly an unfunded project, please contact us if you want to support this project.

Muslims in Britain
Timeline History

Muslim influence in Britain can be traced back to the 8th century. Explore the timeline to discover how Muslims have been a part of British history for many hundreds of years, which included trade, diplomacy and labour.


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Partner with us

If you would like to show solidarity with Muslim communities in Britain and would like to partner or collaborate with the Muslim Heritage Month initiative then please get in touch to discuss your ideas further.


Muslim Statistics

4 million Muslims
Muslims make up 6.5%
of the population
1 in 3 minority ethnic
people are Muslims
100,000 Muslim
Converts in Britain
8% are Indian
10% of Muslims are
Black African / Carib.
6% are
White Muslims
7% are
Arab Muslims
40% are
Pakistani Muslims
16% are
Bangladeshi Muslims
Make up 15% of
London's population
Median average
age of 27
77,000 Muslims in
Scotland (2011)
12,000 Muslims in
Northern Ireland
3.9 million Muslims
in England & Wales
There are around 500
Muslim councillors
There are 25 Muslim
MPs (2024 Elections)
There are 46000
Muslim NHS workers
Muslims make up 6%
of solicitors
Charity donation
£1 billion / yr
Muslim pound worth
£20bn and growing
More than two thirds
are South Asian
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