Palace for Life Foundation

Get Involved (GI) Programme

The Palace for Life Foundation has developed the Get Involved (GI) programme which engages young people from South Asian and Muslim communities in sports and volunteering, offering a clear pathway from participant to coach. The programme has made significant strides in developing leadership and fostering community engagement.

Key Achievements
  • Participant-to-Coach Pathway: Provides a clear route for young people to become coaches, creating long-term career opportunities.
  • Community Engagement: Reaches young people from South Asian and Muslim backgrounds, offering a sense of belonging and reducing underrepresentation.
  • Social Impact: GI coaches and participants have contributed to local communities, enhancing access to sport and promoting inclusion.
  • Creating Opportunities: Akram's journey from participant to coach showcases how the programme provides opportunities for young people to develop their abilities.
Best Practice Approach
  • Mentorship and Leadership Development: Experienced coaches guide new participants, helping develop community leaders.
  • Inclusive Participation: Ensures that all sports and volunteer opportunities are accessible to underrepresented groups.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Works with community-based organisations to widen its reach and enhance impact.
Resources and Further Information

Muslim Statistics

4 million Muslims
Muslims make up 6.5%
of the population
1 in 3 minority ethnic
people are Muslims
100,000 Muslim
Converts in Britain
8% are Indian
10% of Muslims are
Black African / Carib.
6% are
White Muslims
7% are
Arab Muslims
40% are
Pakistani Muslims
16% are
Bangladeshi Muslims
Make up 15% of
London's population
Median average
age of 27
77,000 Muslims in
Scotland (2011)
12,000 Muslims in
Northern Ireland
3.9 million Muslims
in England & Wales
There are around 500
Muslim councillors
There are 25 Muslim
MPs (2024 Elections)
There are 46000
Muslim NHS workers
Muslims make up 6%
of solicitors
Charity donation
£1 billion / yr
Muslim pound worth
£20bn and growing
More than two thirds
are South Asian
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