4 million Muslims
Muslims make up 6.5%
of the population
1 in 3 minority ethnic
people are Muslims
100,000 Muslim
Converts in Britain
8% are Indian
10% of Muslims are
Black African / Carib.
6% are
White Muslims
7% are
Arab Muslims
40% are
Pakistani Muslims
16% are
Bangladeshi Muslims
Make up 15% of
London's population
Median average
age of 27
77,000 Muslims in
Scotland (2011)
12,000 Muslims in
Northern Ireland
3.9 million Muslims
in England & Wales
There are around 500
Muslim councillors
There are 25 Muslim
MPs (2024 Elections)
There are 46000
Muslim NHS workers
Muslims make up 6%
of solicitors
Charity donation
£1 billion / yr
Muslim pound worth
£20bn and growing
More than two thirds
are South Asian